Getting Started with Apache Beam: A Practical Example for Data Processing

Asim Zahid
5 min readApr 6, 2023
Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

Apache Beam is an open-source data processing framework that provides a unified programming model for both batch and stream processing. It was initially developed by Google and was later contributed to the Apache Software Foundation. With Apache Beam, you can write data processing pipelines that are portable across various execution engines, such as Apache Flink, Apache Spark, and Google Cloud Dataflow.

Main Components

Apache Beam offers a high-level programming model that allows developers to write data processing pipelines in a simple and concise way. The model is based on the concept of a data pipeline, which consists of three main components:

  1. Source: The source component defines where the data is coming from. It could be a file, a database, or a message queue.
  2. Transformation: The transformation component applies operations on the data as it flows through the pipeline. The operations could be filtering, mapping, aggregating, or joining data.
  3. Sink: The sink component defines where the processed data should be written to. It could be a file, a database, or a message queue.

Types of Processing Modes

The Apache Beam programming model supports two types of processing modes:

  1. Batch processing: Batch processing involves processing a finite amount of data at once. It is typically used for scenarios where the data is static or changes infrequently.
  2. Stream processing: Stream processing involves processing data in real-time as it arrives. It is typically used for scenarios where the data is dynamic and changes frequently.

Apache Beam provides a rich set of APIs for data processing, which makes it easy to write complex data processing pipelines. Some of the APIs include:

  1. PCollection: The PCollection API represents a collection of data elements that are processed by the pipeline.
  2. PTransform: The PTransform API represents a data processing operation that transforms a PCollection into another PCollection.
  3. DoFn: The DoFn API represents a function that processes a single element of a PCollection.
  4. Windowing: The Windowing API defines how data is grouped into windows for processing.

Apache Beam also provides a set of IO connectors for reading and writing data to different data sources, such as Google Cloud Storage, Apache Kafka, and Apache Hadoop.

One of the significant advantages of Apache Beam is its portability across different execution engines. This means that you can write a data processing pipeline once and execute it on different execution engines without making any changes to the code. This makes it easy to switch between different execution engines based on your requirements.

Monitoring and Debugging Pipelines

Apache Beam also provides a rich set of tools for monitoring and debugging data processing pipelines. The tools include:

  1. Pipeline execution visualization: Apache Beam provides a graphical representation of the data processing pipeline, which makes it easy to understand the flow of data through the pipeline.
  2. Pipeline profiling: Apache Beam provides tools for profiling the performance of the data processing pipeline. This helps in identifying bottlenecks and optimizing the pipeline performance.
  3. Error handling: Apache Beam provides tools for handling errors that occur during the execution of the data processing pipeline.


import apache_beam as beam

# Define the data source
input_file = 'users.csv'

# Define the output file
output_file = 'filtered_users.csv'

# Define the data processing pipeline
with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
# Read the data from the input file
users = pipeline | 'ReadData' >>

# Filter users above 18 years of age
filtered_users = (users
| 'FilterUsers' >> beam.Filter(lambda x: int(x.split(',')[1]) > 18))

# Group the filtered users by gender and count the number of users in each category
gender_counts = (filtered_users
| 'ExtractGender' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x.split(',')[2], 1))
| 'GroupByGender' >> beam.CombinePerKey(sum))

# Write the filtered dataset to the output file
gender_counts | 'WriteOutput' >>

In the code above, we first define the input file and output file for the data processing pipeline. We then create a pipeline object using the beam.Pipeline() function.

Next, we read the data from the input file using the function and store it in the users variable. We then filter the users based on their age using the beam.Filter() function, which takes a lambda function as an argument. The lambda function splits each line of data using a comma separator and checks if the second element (age) is greater than 18.

After filtering the users, we group them by gender and count the number of users in each category using the beam.Map() and beam.CombinePerKey() functions.

Finally, we write the filtered dataset to the output file using the function.

This data processing pipeline can be executed on different execution engines, such as Apache Flink, Apache Spark, or Google Cloud Dataflow, without making any changes to the code. This makes it easy to switch between different execution engines based on your requirements.


In conclusion, Apache Beam is a powerful data processing framework that provides a unified programming model for both batch and stream processing. It provides a rich set of APIs and connectors for data processing, as well as tools for monitoring and debugging data processing pipelines. Its portability across different execution engines makes it easy to switch between different execution engines based on your requirements. With Apache Beam, you can write data processing pipelines that are scalable, fault-tolerant, and efficient.

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About Author:

Asim is an applied research data engineer with a passion for developing impactful products. He possesses expertise in building data platforms and has a proven track record of success as a dual Kaggle expert. Asim has held leadership positions such as Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) Lead and AWS Educate Cloud Ambassador, which have allowed him to hone his skills in driving business success.

In addition to his technical skills, Asim is a strong communicator and team player. He enjoys connecting with like-minded professionals and is always open to networking opportunities. If you appreciate his work and would like to connect, please don’t hesitate to reach out.



Asim Zahid

I can brew up algorithms with a pinch of math, an ounce of Python and piles of data to power your business applications.