Human-Computer Interaction(HCI) Introduction
Human-computer interaction(HCI) is the study of behavior between computers and machines to make computers reliable for human use. It’s evolutionary form is UX design.
In this article, I will discuss “The Human”.
Following are the basic five characteristics of the subject Human:
- Information i/o: visual, auditory, haptic, movement
- Memory: Sensory, Long term, Short term
- Processing and Applied: Reasoning, problem-solving, skill, error
- Influenced by emotion
- Every human is different from one another.
A human sees through eyes. And it has two stages of human vision:
- Physical reception
- Processing and interpretation of visual.
Physical Reception
An eye receives light from the environment and transforms into electrical energy. When light reflects from different objects and enters into the retina in gives the 3D view of the object. When visual enters the eye it focuses inverted in the back of our eye. and last but not least, there are color cones in the human eye which determine the color of an object.
Interpreting the Signal:
The size and depth of an image depend upon the distance of an eye from the object. Here optical illusions occur too like “Ponzo illusion” and “Muller Lyer illusion”
The hearing provides information about the environment: distances, directions, objects, etc.
Physical apparatus:
- Outer ear
- Middle ear
- Inner ear
It has many stages starting from perceiving the visual patterns, understanding the patterns, decoded using an internal representation of language, Interpreted using knowledge of syntax, semantics, pragmatics
Touch provides important feedback about the environment. What it feels like, Is it hot? is it cold?
Time takes to respond to a stimulus is called movement. It depends upon age, fitness, and a few other factors.
Fitt’s Law:
Fitts’ law describes the time taken to hit a screen target:
Mt= a+blog2(D/S+1)
Where a and b are empirically determined constants, Mt is movement time, D is Distance, S is size of the target