January 2020 Rewind, Google Cloud, Deep Learning, MakerFest, Time Series Forecast, CERN OpenLab
At the start of 2020, I thought to write the review of 2019 but it was quite overwhelming and some busy schedule I had. So, I decided to write monthly review articles. So, Here it is.
January 2020 started with continuing the winter vacations and an internship I found for the duration of vacations.
I joined transfopower as a software engineering intern in the Smart Grid research lab. It was a two-week internship where I worked on creating a multithreaded web server (prototype). After that, I worked on the energy demand forecasting project. In this project, I worked on the data collected from the smart meter. I received the data, analyzed it, cleaned it, created some hypothesis around it. Then verified the hypothesis and trained the model and generated forecasts.
One of the biggest motivations of my work is working on real-time data and solving real-life problems. If you want to contribute to this project pull requests are welcome. You are welcome to fork and play around it.
Thanks to Mr. Fawad Shamsi for giving me this opportunity and Mr. Hassaan for mentoring.
Google Code-In
I mentored my younger brother during Google Code-In. And guess what? He successfully completed 5 tasks contributing to different open-source organizations including Fedora, Liquid Galaxy, Public lab, etc.
He learned markdown language, creating readme.md, git, github, and many more things. After GCI I have started mentoring him on learning python. He is daily committing new code into the repository. You can track his progress here. Note: last few days commits are not published.
TechFest 2020
I organized TechFest as DSC Lead of DSC Superior University with my team. It was a Hackathon where teams were given 5 problem sets and three hours to solve. It was my first experience of organizing any hackathon. And it was awesome. Special thanks to my friend Azan Bin Zahid for helping us out.
Get access to Problem sets and solutions here solved by one of the participants.
MarkerFest 2020
DSC Superior University collaborated with CMACED to organize Makerfest to support DIY(Do it Yourself) movement in Pakistan. Where I(Asim Zahid) and my Co-lead Hamza Ejaz gave a talk about what are Developer Student Clubs? What is the vision of DSC? and the benefits of communities?
It was quite a big crowd. Roughly 1500+ students where the number of girls is at least 600+.
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
Completed the Google Cloud GCP fundamentals course offered by Developer Student Clubs(DSC). Curious What did I learn in this course? Read here.
Hands-on Docker For Beginners
I received the Docker for beginners course certificate I complete at the end of 2019 by KodeKloud. Get access to the course and read more about it here. It is a good starting course if you want to be a DevOps or cloud developer.
Thanks to FreeCodeCamp for releasing this course.
Data Science
I have successfully completed the 16% course of data science provided by Analytics Vidhya. It is a year-long self-paced month-by-month course.
In the first month(January), It starts from the very basics understanding machine learning, setting up the machine, Python for data science, Overview of Statistics, and its use in data science, important math and statistics concepts need for data science like central tendency, variability, normal distribution, and Z-score, then It covers NumPy and Pandas libraries to manipulate data.
A comprehensive Learning path to becoming a data scientist in 2020
Deep Learning
In summer 2019, I interned at Milestone Zero where I worked on custom dataset creation and object detection to create Spatial Analysis Technology. I am glad to know it is live. You can access the details here.
Part-Time Joining
I am happy to announce this month, I have joined Milestone Zero as a part-time employee to work on the project of “Human Model Replication” using 3D image and signal(audio) reconstruction.
CERN Openlab Summer-Student Programme
I applied for the CERN Open Lab student program. It is quite an awesome opportunity If you want to get international exposure meeting with a wide variety of people around the world, and do some real-time projects which will impact millions if not billions of people around the globe.
CERN is the birthplace of the World Wide Web. The laboratory hosts ground-breaking experiments and is at the heart of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG).
If you are in the junior or senior year. Highly recommended opportunity. Here are my essays if you want to get an idea of what essay would look like. But encouraged to write on your own. Some tips to write motivation letter attached below.
Special Thaks to CERN Openlab alumni form Pakistan Ms. Rubab Zahra and Mr. Hamza Javed for giving advice, tips, and reviewing my application. Also, Thanks to Khadija Batool Gardezi for tons of support. I also want to thanks to ones who wrote the reference letter for me including Dr. Amna Khan, Ms. Arshia Naeem, Mr. Israr, Dr. Junaid Zaidi, and Ms. Mahrukh. And How can I forget Ms. Sadia who pushes me to get international exposure to broaden up my horizon. It would not be possible without you all. Thank you.
Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals
The month of January closes with the completion of another Google Cloud Platform certification offered by Developer Student Clubs(DSC). Special thanks to my manager Shad Roi for giving me this opportunity.
Detailed blog coming stay tuned.
Android App Development
Last but not the least, I have successfully designed my first Android app. It is a simple student app dashboard. It is the part of the Mobile Application Development course I am studying in the university.
Have a thought or a query? Connect with me at LinkedIn, twitter. I love to hear it from you.